MultiSafe is a shared crypto wallet for managing Stacks (STX) and Bitcoin (BTC).

What is the mission of MultiSafe?

Our ambitious vision is to create the first native Bitcoin multisig using the Clarity smart contracts. We believe that by creating a free and open source Bitcoin multisig, written in Clarity, that we will be able to offer a foundational building block to support Bitcoin DAOs.

Which tokens does MultiSafe support?

As of this writing, MultiSafe supports STX, SIP-009 tokens (NFTs), and SIP-010 tokens (MIA, ALEX, DIKO, xBTC etc). BTC is next.

How does MultiSafe work?

Anyone with Stacks (STX) assets will be able to create:

  1. A shared safe address
  2. With multiple owners
  3. And the ability to send a minimum threshold of owner confirmations necessary to send funds. For example, “2 out of 4” owners must “confirm” in order for money to be sent.

So MultiSafe is similar to Gnosis Safe on ETH?

Yes, MultiSafe is more or less the Gnosis Safe equivalent for Stacks and Bitcoin. For a quick primer on Gnosis Safe either read more below or watch this 4 minute video to learn more about Gnosis Safe.

*What is a Gnosis Safe?

*In the Ethereum ecosystem the Gnosis Safe is a scaled solution for storing ETH, fungible ERC-20 tokens, and ERC-721/1155 NFT tokens. As of this writing, Gnosis Safe stores more than $70 billion U.S. dollars worth of assets.

Here’s a 4+ minute video we made to show you how Gnosis Safe multi-sig works. If you’ve never use Gnosis Safe, this video will help you understand the basics:*

Why this project? Why now?

Right now, many Stacks projects are storing their treasury funds in one single centralized safe, or a custom-made Clarity smart contract (e.g. CityCoins). Neither of these solutions are as scalable or secure as creating one open source, battle tested storage solution we can all trust and share.

Creating a multi-sig contract, with a user-friendly UI, that has been tested, and audited — permits many newcomers to the Stacks ecosystem to build DeFi projects, NFT communities, and more without having to reinvent the wheel on treasury storage each time.