Welcome! 👋 Let’s learn more about orange Bitcoin liquidity and zesty yields 🍊

<aside> 💡 TLDR: Zest is on-chain Bitcoin capital markets. For liquidity providers, Zest offers sustainable Bitcoin yield through professionally managed lending pools. For institutional borrowers, Zest offers undercollateralised on-chain Bitcoin financing without constant fear of liquidation. Zest pools are managed by pool delegates who whitelist borrowers and earn performance fees while building the Bitcoin economy. We’re going after the $120 trillion bond market. Zesty.


☝️ Problem

Your Bitcoin is just sitting there. It’s unproductive. Wall Street thinks Bitcoin is digital gold. That’s nice for this phase of adoption, but Bitcoin is not a rock. Turning Bitcoin into a productive asset is what’s needed to achieve the next wave of institutional adoption.

There are some first steps at making Bitcoin productive, but they don’t stay true to the ethos of decentralisation:

  1. Centralised yield products are an option but not accessible to everyone.
  2. Wrapped Bitcoin yield opportunities on other L1s aren’t decentralised or introduce additional trust assumptions by verifying wrapping and unwrapping on their own network.

You own a piece of the most secure decentralised computing network the world has ever seen. You don’t want to give that up.

🍊 Solution

Insert Zest.

Zest is a fully on-chain solution for earning a yield on your Bitcoin (in Bitcoin). You’ll go to our website (or directly to our smart contracts), pick a pool with a yield you like and select for how long you want to lend. Zest will route your Bitcoin to an institutional borrower vetted by the pool delegate. You’ll receive zesty periodic reward payments in Bitcoin from the pool and receive your Bitcoin back when you chose to withdraw. All while interacting directly with the Bitcoin blockchain.


👨‍👨‍👧‍👦 Who are the participants

There are liquidity providers, borrowers, pool delegates and stakers involved in this zesty orange bitcoin liquidity machine 🍊

👨‍👨‍👧‍👦 Liquidity providers (LPs) [the everyday user]: Liquidity providers deposit Bitcoin into a Liquidity Pool in order to fund loans and earn yield in Bitcoin (at time of writing APYs are about 3-6% for undercollateralised BTC).